Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Horizon View Client DPI Scaling

I recently got new monitors for my desk that are 4k (3840x2160) resolution.  While I can set my Windows 10 desktop to scale the text to 150% to make things readable, the Horizon View client did not scale when I connected to my VDI desktop.  This made the icons/text on the remote desktop completely unreadable.  Opening the compatibility settings for the Horizon View Client .exe file and unchecking the "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" box didn't resolve the problem either.  After searching around for an solution, I finally came across the answer here.

If you're using the Horizon View client version 3.4 or newer, you can add a registry setting to have the client follow your desktop's display scaling settings.  
  1. Open up regedit
  2. Navigate to: HKCU\software\vmware, inc.\vmware vdm\client
  3. Add a new DWORD value named "EnableSessionDPIScaling"
  4. Set the value to "1"
After doing this, reopen the Horizon View client, connect to your session, and it should be scaled to the same ratio as your native desktop.